Here’s Seven Leadership “To-Dos” for a Successful Second-Half!

Penny de Valk
4 min readJul 10, 2019

The path to leadership success is complex, multi-faceted and full of both obstacles and opportunities. We all get excited and determined about our goals to get there at the beginning of the year but keeping that focus throughout the whole year is tough.

So, take a half year review with yourself. Instead of making a fresh to-do list this week, go up a thousand feet. If you want to make 2019 your most successful year yet, try a June re-jig. Here are seven mid-year reminders to add to your to-do list:

1. Reframe how you perceive your strengths

View your strengths as building blocks that can help you become more effective in your leadership role. Know your strengths, focus on them and spend time building on them. View your weaknesses as opportunities for sure, but focus on working on your strengths and acknowledging the strengths of others. Ask for help!

2. Be inclusive with your team building

Now more than ever, it is important for leaders to be inclusive. When building a team, recruiting new staff, or promoting talent, be conscious of fostering a diverse environment. You not only have a responsibility to set an example to others but exclusive teams are unproductive and suffer from low morale. Harness the skills and backgrounds of a diverse team to heighten productivity and deliver better results.

3. Promote successful creativity and collaboration

Successful leaders ensure their teams flourish through the talents of those around them and truly understand the dynamics of their team. CLICK TO TWEET

Effective leaders know how to pull people together to create winning collaborations. Creativity and collaboration are the key to propelling the organisation forward. Good leaders take the time to find out what their team members both enjoy and excel at and understand that everyone brings something unique to the table.

4. Address workplace issues

Ignoring frustrations and problems won’t make them disappear, it will only result in the issue escalating, employee frustration levels increasing and productivity and engagement plummeting. According to a recent study, 43% of UK employees left their jobs due to unresolved workplace issues. To increase your success as a leader, deal with complaints quickly, fairly and wisely, but don’t let them fester for the sake of not having some courageous conversations.

5. Support the development of your team

Successful leaders are committed to the growth and development of others. The best leaders are those who are able to quickly identify the skills and talents of their team and are great coaches, helping individuals and teams optimise their performance. They recognise and acknowledge the value that others offer and are open to learning from others themselves.

6. Simplify your life outside work

Maintaining work/life balance is one of the biggest struggles for executives. You may not be able to simplify your responsibilities at work (or can you, how good is your delegating?) Find ways to simplify your decision making at home. Are there some decisions you can remove from your daily routine? Can you find other solutions, such as planning your meals for the entire week or hiring a cleaner? Practice saying ‘no’ — nicely — to the people and activities that do not add to your life.

7. Your personal development lies at the heart of your progression

Great leaders never stop learning. They view it as an integral part of their leadership role and enthusiastically embrace every learning opportunity. CLICK TO TWEET

They read, they listen to audio books and podcasts, they attend events and conferences, they network, they seek out business articles, they watch ted talks, they proactively learn from others, formally and informally. They understand that personal and professional development is a life-long pursuit that requires a significant commitment and prioritise learning on a daily basis.

If you want 2019 to be a truly successful year, take a mid-year review. Congratulate yourself on your progress, remind yourself what you have learned, remember to thank those around you who have contributed to both, and recalibrate the basics. The glass is half-full!

Penny de Valk is an internationally experienced Chief Executive and qualified coach who helps women build powerful professional lives. Visit her blog for great advice on how to be your best leadership self.



Penny de Valk

Penny de Valk is an internationally experienced Chief Executive, coach, mentor and educator.